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One of the worst things that can happen when a marriage emotionally terminates is to think you can't financially afford a divorce.   It's no reason to stay unhappy, miserable...and married.  There are solutions, maybe unconventional by some standards, but easily adaptable to most.  We say, "Have a party!"

 Ideas for a party

Funding your divorce can easily be done with one big bash.  While the opportunity to make the theme a "Divorce Party" to commemorate your completed marital journey together may seem like too much, the party can be about anything.

  1. Housewarming
  2. Holiday
  3. Wine Tasting
  4. Pool and BBQ
  5. Casino Night
  6. Game Night 
  7. Live Music 
  8. Costume 
  9. Food Rave
  10. Trivia Night

Places for your event

If you're in it to make money, that means you need to determine what would deliver the best response from your sphere-of-influence (friends, family and acquaintances) or target demographic if planning an event open to the public.  You will likely need to find the right venue that can support enough people that will provide the funding you need.  Some themes above may be suited to your home, so make sure the amount of people planned will work well with a residential atmosphere and parking.  Otherwise consider these:

Great Party Venues

  1. Party room at a local pub or bar
  2. Banquet hall
  3. Subdivision club house (pool optional)
  4. Warehouse (approved for conditional use or special use)
  5. Local gymnasium 
  6. Picnic shelter at a local park
  7. Beach 
  8. Winery
  9. Local restaurant
  10. Sporting event or stadium party rooms

Ways to make some cash

There are many ideas that can make big money.  Some ideas work better for a private party with friends, family, neighbors & social media contacts and some work better for events open to the public.  It all depends on the theme.  If you plan something that is mostly centered on announcing your divorce or want to make some divorce funds and have a large sphere of influence, keep it to family and friends.  If you're going to make it primarily a money maker, open the flood gates and let the divorce funds poor in with a public event.   Ideas to make money at your party: 

  1. Cash bar
  2. Cover charge
  3. Food sales
  4. Booth rentals for sales of items like crafts, novelties, t-shirts
  5. Live music and cd sales
  6. Ticket sales for casino night managed by professional company
  7. Trivia night
  8. Food rave w/cover charge
  9. Wine tasting with the help of a local winery or retailer who specializes in events for profit
  10. Participation fees for sporting events

Ways to fund your divorce from your divorce party

If your idea is based on your divorce and you want to lead with that, you can make the event like a wedding.  If you need funding to set up a new residence, you can send invitations that include a wedding registry at local stores. 

Your party can include a DJ, food, evening of dancing and fun - just like a wedding.  You need to find thrifty ways to make the night a good value and lots of fun for everyone.  Know that this event will be most successful with younger and more progressive attendees rather than the older generation.

If you have a cover charge, make sure you let your guests know what the cover will include.  

Otherwise, the evening can be primarily based on voluntary cash gifts with free food and a cash bar.  Make sure you include something on the invite that indicates "cash gifts" appreciated so that your guests understand part of the purpose of the event is to raise money.  

Example: Bail us out of our lousy marriage!  Your bail will help us get a divorce.  

Be aware of the liquor laws in your county and state.  You may have to work in conjunction with a caterer or the venue operator in order to operate a cash bar.  In some cases you may not be able to be the one who profits from the sale of alcohol.  However, you may be able to get a discounted fee for the use of the venue if the operator knows he/she will have the additional profit from the cash bar or ticket sales.   Generally, make sure the venue operator is alright with your profit based party before you book the place.

These are a variety of ideas that may not all work together, it just depends on the type of event you plan, where you plan it and how you plan to profit.  You know your friends and family and what would be the most profitable and well received idea.  

  1. Cash gifts appreciated, but not expected (risky but polite) OR Cash or registry gifts appreciated (straight to the point)
  2. Cover charge for dinner, dancing and live entertainment 
  3. Games
  4. Silent Auction
  5. Trivia
  6. Cash Bar
  7. Appetizers
  8. Kissing booth of soon to be ex
  9. Dollar dance with an ex
  10. Items for sale


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