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- DMK Editorial
- Divorcing
- Hits: 1295
Should you and your spouse separate? ..get divorced? How do you know if it's the right thing do? Do you know the basics regarding a divorce? Are you prepared for the legal and emotional aspects of divorce and life changes afterward? DMK Divorce Essentials can help!
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- DMK Editorial
- Divorcing
- Hits: 1645
You know something is really wrong in the world when toilet paper and hand sanitizer are on the list of marital assets!
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- DMK Editorial
- Divorcing
- Hits: 2730
One of the worst things that can happen when a marriage emotionally terminates is to think you can't financially afford a divorce. It's no reason to stay unhappy, miserable...and married. There are solutions, maybe unconventional by some standards, but easily adaptable to most. We say, "Have a party!"
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- DMK Editorial
- Divorcing
- Hits: 2344
This is most certainly a time to have a party. You have chosen to end your marriage and begin a new single lifestyle to improve your individual lives. While you and your spouse have undoubtedly suffered with the pains of a failing marriage, you have both made a courageous step into the unknown. Let's party!