Turning to Faith
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I've never been religious, but since my divorce I have been interested in becoming a Catholic.  What do I do?

This is very common to desire a closeness to God and the enrichment that spirituality through religion can provide.   Faith in a religion can provide a foundation to your individual belief system and further your opportunities for acceptance within a religious community. 

The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is the process known for non-baptized men or women to become Catholics.  There are numerous stages that take approximately 1-2 years (outside of specific circumstances) and includes study, prayer and rites at Mass.  During the process you will be referred to as a Catechumens and will receive the Sacraments of Initiation which include baptism, confirmation and the eucharist.  

Contact a priest at your local parish and inquire about the RCIA to obtain information relevant to becoming a Catholic.  

What are the principals of Buddhism?

1) Self Salvation is for any man the immediate task 

2) The first fact of existence is the law of change or impermanence

3) The law of change applies equally to the soul

4) The universe is the expression of law. All effects have causes, man's consciousness or character is the sum total of his previous thoughts or acts.

5) Life is one and indivisible.  Though it's ever changing forms are innumerable and perishable.

6) Life being One, the interests of the part are those of the Whole.

7) The Eightfold Path consists in Right (or perfect) Views or preliminary understanding.  Buddhism is a way of living not just a theory of life.

8) Reality is indescribable and a God with attributes is not the final reality.

9) From potential to actual Enlightenment, there lies the Middle Way, the Eightfold Path, desire to peace, a process between self development between the opposites, avoiding all extremes.

10) Buddhism lays great stress on inward concentration and mediation, which in time leads to the development of the inner spiritual faculties.

11) The Buddah said, "Work out your own salvation with diligence.  Buddhism knows no authority for truth save the intuition of the individual, and that is authority of himself alone.

12) Buddhism is neither pessimistic or escapist, nor does it deny the existence of God or soul, though it places it's own meaning on these terms.

Source: Chinese Media Encyclopedia

What is the largest organized religion in the world?

According to World Atlas, Christianity is the largest religion in the world with over 2.42 billion followers.  Followed by Islam with 1.8 billion, Hinduism with 1.1 billion, Buddhism with 500 million, Shintoism (Japan) with 104 million, Sikhism 25 million, Judaism 14 million, Daoism 12 million, Muism/Sinism/Shingyo (Korean) 10 million, Cao Dai 4.4 million

What are the denominations of Christianity?

There are ten major groups that are considered distinct religious bodies within Christianity: Catholicism, Eastern Orthodox, Oriental Orthodoxy, Church of the East, Anglican, Lutheran, Reformed, Anabaptist, Evangelical, Nontrinitarian.

What are the most common churches' opinion on a couple's decision to divorce? 

Religious conflict with divorce

Based on popular religions American's identified themselves with, we listed their response to divorce according to information obtained from Wikipedia. Your individual church may have some variables not listed. This list is meant to provide a general idea of each church's position on divorce.  Read the entire DMK article, "Religion vs. Divorce" with more statistics and facts about divorce and religion.


Church or religion Response
Eastern Orthodox Permits divorce and permits remarriage in some circumstances (highly restrictive)
Catholic Prohibits divorce, supports annulment
Protestant Discourages divorce unless last resort
Oriental Orthodox Intermediate position on divorce between Rome and Constantinople, allowed only in cases of adultery
Reformed/Presbyterian Allows divorce under certain circumstances, adultery and abandonment
Baptist/Conservative Evangelical Strongly opposes, viewing as sin
Anabaptist/Bruderhof Forbids divorce
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Officially discourages divorce (strong social stigma) yet allows annulment and divorce in situations of infidelity and other serious cases
Halakha (Jewish Law) Allows for divorce (termed a get), inclusive of a ceremony with a get document; Orthodox does not recognize civil divorce as sufficient
Reform Jews Does not typically issue Jewish divorces (civil in place of a Jewish ceremony)
Muslim (Based on Quran) Supports ending a marriage when marital harmony is lost and is unattainable/though considered very serious and includes community intervention
Unitarian Universalism Affirms "right of conscience", allows divorce as a decision of the individual, seen as a life choice
Hinduism Allows divorce when with mutual enmity, certain circumstances dictate forfeiture or claim to property, remarriage is allowed
Wicca Traditionally wiccans refer to high priest or high priestess for assistance before the divorce is granted; sometimes this is not needed when the marriage peacefully ends

Source: Wikipedia


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