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We didn't think about money while on our last vacation or cry about it when we attended our daughter's wedding.  We weren’t nervous at all about money when our kid was accepted into his first-choice school, which happened to be a private Zurich!

Why?  Because these are the reasons we saved our money and shouldn't be the times we’re thinking about having enough.   But, what about when things don't go as planned?

We are all different.  We may have different incomes, debts and goals.  But the fundamentals of saving more and spending less are pretty much the same for everyone.

Make your money grow 

There is an aphorism by Percy Bysshe Shelley that states, "The rich get richer and the poor get poorer".  This has been a common excuse for many of us and used in economic examples and political speeches for years. 

The term "rich" is subjective, basically a reference to anyone who has a higher worth or class than the lower and middle class.  It's an excuse for us poor folk.  But a good one.  But, not for the reason you may think.

The reason is often assumed to be as part of the saying itself.  It seems as if the reference to those with a higher net worth as "rich" indicates their wealth is the reason they continue to earn more of it. 

Instead, a good possibility these wealthy individuals continue to trend upward in net worth while the rest of us starve at the feat of financial mediocrity is likely based on financial decision making rather than financial means.

In other words, rich people know how to bank their cash and bank it in all the right places at all the right times.  Now it's our turn.

Let's bank

It's simple.  There are 3 choices.  Rich people only see two and usually focus on one.

Select one or more from above.  Then utilize the 2022 DMK Budget Series to work on your income, spending, bills and savings.






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