Faith and Religion
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Times change.  People, families, relationships all change.  We may look back with some regrets, but mostly our destiny is much like a foggy path we are meant to take.  In doing so, the changes are difficult to judge as simply right or wrong since they impact so many things in our life. 

At times of great stress, demands to make immediate decisions can be overwhelming.  Some choices can be so important to our future we may feel paralyzed with indecision.  The longer we put off decisions, we may begin to get stuck in a faithless life and a damaged belief system.  One choice may positively affect one part of our life, then negatively affect another.  Where does one turn to find balance?  

This is why faith is so beneficial in so many people's lives. 84% of the world population have some religious identity, according to an article in The Washington Times.  It guides us and provides a spiritual safety net we can rely upon if our choices prove wrong.  It is also there for us to celebrate when things are right.  We can worship, develop friendships and build our religious community together. 

This is a great opportunity to open our heart, mind and soul to a new faith, religion or place of worship.  It may provide the light and inspiration that can open the doors to possibilities, strength and confidence needed to make difficult decisions about our future.

According to a 2018 article on Christianity Today providing statistics from a recent Pew Research Study, approximately 66% of Americans who attend church or other religious services do so for one or more of the following reasons:

Faith begins in our heart.  Gaining insight into our faith begins in our places of worship.  In times where our faith has been tested and our belief in ourselves and in the goodness of others has been diminished, we are most threatened to fall victim to the alienation our pain creates.

Take action today to locate a new place of worship with these resources for some of the world's most popular religions.

Find a new place of worship

ChurchFinder pro

Provides tools and information to help families locate and visit new churches in their area.  It provides profiles and reviews for thousands of churches in America.

Find a Parish

Provides information regarding thousands of Catholic parishes and mass schedules.  Powered by J.S. Paluch Company, a leading provider of church bulletin publications.

Find a Church

"A Global Directory of Houses of Worship" is a large-scale database where users can locate Christian communities locally and throughout the world.

Islami City

Locate Mosques, schools, organizations, MSA's, Islamic history and information with this online community resource.

Wikipedia - Hindu Temples 

List of Hindu Temples in the United States.


Buddha Dharma Education Association Inc. provides a world Buddhist Directory, information and resources.

Reform Judaism

Find a welcoming Reform congregation near you with this online directory.  

Judaism 101

Extensive site with information regarding functions, organizational structure and links to searchable databases to help users find local synagogues.

Do you know a resource related to your specific faith that can help others find a new place to worship?  Submissions:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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