DMK™ Add-on Opportunities:

Top-Tier Ad Campaigns w/40% Discount

  • Geo-Targeted Banners - $148/month w/discount $88/month
  • DMK Display Ads - $38/month w/discount $22/month
  • SOM Display Ads - $58/issue w/discount $34/issue
  • In-article Ads -$38/month w/discount $22/month
  • Expertorial - $89/month w/discount $53/month
  • Directory Picture - $15/month w/discount $9/month (Limit 6)
  • Directory Category - $15/month w/discount $9/month (Limit 3)
  • Directory Video Clip - $95/month w/discount $57/month (Limit 2)
  • Landing Page - $200/month
  • w/discount $120/month (Limit 2)




Top-Tier Ad Campaigns

These packages include our top-tier opportunities with the highest discount available.  These add-ons provide the flexibility to promote business offers and short-term ad blitzes along with company public relations, press releases and/or announcements of new hires. 

This is an affordable way to demonstrate market domination without being committed to additional spending all year long.