Hits: 2030

Today's kiddos start using tablets, laptops and desktops when they are toddlers.  Allowing your children to use educational sites that provide them a safe, fun learning environment will better prepare them for school and educational programs that incorporate the use of technology in the lesson plans.

Some of these sites may be used during the educational process at your child's school.  Others are just great sites that kids love and parents and teachers approve.  Make sure your internet browser is up to date.

12 Educational sites for kids

1. Sesame Street

Preschool - Elementary

Letters, sounds, rhymes, colors, games and clips from show

2. Cool Math

Middle School - High School

Pre-Algebra, Pre-Calculus, Algebra, Calculus (exponents, lines, functions, prime, decimals)

3. Cool Math Games

Middle School 

Math games with addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, decimals, money, chess, checkers, Suduko

Same as Cool Math but geared towards ages 10-14 (Ad free options available at $5.99/mo)

4. Cool Math for Kids

Preschool - Elementary

Addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, manipulatives, brain teasers

Same as Cool Math Games but geared towards ages 3-12

5. National Geographic Kids

Preschool - Elementary 

Videos, games and educational activities about animals, space and science

6. Funbrain

Preschool - Elementary

Math, reading and reading skills.  Math Baseball is site favorite! Choose your level of play by grade

7. BrainPOP

Elementary - Middle School

Science, social studies, math, engineering, technology, English, health, arts and music

8. TIME for Kids

Elementary - Middle School

Age appropriate educational articles & videos about technology, politics, sports, health & entertainment

9. ABC Mouse

Preschool - Early Elementary

Games, puzzles, art, music, reading, math, science, 9000+ activities

Subscription Based $9.95/mo

10. How Stuff Works

Middle School - High School - Adult

Games, quizzes and general fun information about technology, science, money and more!

11. Highlights Kids

Preschool - Early Elementary

Activities, jokes, games, craft ideas, recipes, podcasts and apps

12. Disney Jr.

Preschool - Elementary

Lots of fun with your child's favorite characters with coloring, matching & memory games and more


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