- Details
- DMK Editorial
- Divorce Workshop Advice Column
- Hits: 2557
Dear Honey Wexler,
My wife and I separated several months ago following a brief encounter I had with someone at work. We have discussed divorce, but neither of us have hired an attorney. I have been understanding that she needs time to deal with her anger over the situation but I feel like she isn't really doing anything to make serious changes that would benefit our relationship.
When I try to talk to her about ending our separation so that our family can be together again she immediately get's upset and behaves irrationally. I know what I did is wrong, but I feel that the way she deals with it is worse. What can I do to get my wife to seek counseling in order to help her work this mess out with me instead of treating me like a terrible guy?
- Details
- DMK Editorial
- Divorce Workshop Advice Column
- Hits: 1947
Dear Honey Wexler,
My ex-husband has a new girlfriend that is completely ridiculous. I don't want her around my children. She is nothing like me and my kids tell me she smokes and drinks. I feel like he is doing this to get me upset. No matter how much I try to talk to him about her, he just shuts me out. I feel like she is a bad influence on my children. How can I get him to be reasonable about bringing her around my kids?
Concerned Mom