2023 Divorce Lifestyle Page
DMK Quote "It is never too late to be what you might have been." George Eliot
You chose divorce to improve your life. So improve it.
Think you have problems? It's time to solve them.
DMK Survival Tip
Don't waste anytime worried about the things or people you can't change. It’s just a waste of time! If that doesn't stop you from doing so, consider this-
If you are 35 years old, your life expectancy since birth was about 74.7 years. That gives you 39.7 years left on earth to achieve happiness and success. That's 14,491 mornings to wake up and make your life better than it was yesterday. Take away sleep and that leaves you 231,848 hours left to consciously live your life. That’s 9,660 days awake. This clock is always ticking. Your time left on earth is perhaps one of your most valuable assets you won't see in your settlement but really should be considered. Don't sacrifice a single day for someone or something that doesn't make you happy! You can never get your time back, but you can make what time you have left the best years of your life if you don't waste any more of it worried about the things or people you can't change!