Are you serious about a healthy, happy marriage? It's only as happy based on what both spouses put into it. Learn the 13 essentials to a happy marriage, then take our DMK Marriage Essentials Test to determine the health of your marriage.
It's easy to let the light of your marriage dim when so many life challenges occur throughout your marriage. Make your marriage a priority again.
How it works
Every marriage should have an acceptable portion of each marriage essential on the list. "Acceptable" portions are based on the strength of the marriage and how each spouse values the importance of these essentials.
The levels can vary over the years. It's important that each spouse is "aware" of the other and practices good communication skills that can indicate when levels change. For instance, following the birth of a child, the couple will experience a drastic reduction in multiple essential needs while other needs will assume a significant increase. Years later, those needs will have drastically changed once again.
DMK Marriage Essentials:
At any given time a marriage requires a reasonable portion of each marriage essential listed to account for a high percentage of marriage happiness.
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Take the Marriage Essentials Test
Find out if your marriage can pass the test despite current challenges. It can help you determine if:
- your marriage has a bad attitude
- one spouse feels drastically different than the other
- you both agree on specific marriage traits
- you need specific attention to problem areas in the marriage
- one or both spouses are unhappy with specific issues
- the marriage needs a professional therapist
- your marriage is healthy and happy or on it's way to divorce
Find the test in the next article in our DMK Marriage Workshop, "DMK Marriage Essentials Test"
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