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Have you lost your interest in your nine-to-five?  Do you wake up in the morning and dread the day ahead?  Well, with three easy steps you can recharge your career and get it moving in the right direction!

Step One

If you're employed in a large company, take a look at the job openings in a different department or look into a leadership role.  Consider something that you can use your skills to branch off into.  If you are currently in accounting, perhaps look into marketing, IT or business management.

Determine the job requirements and seek additional training or education, if necessary.  Show your value, such as your longevity with the company and any experience that would make you a viable candidate for such a position. 

Don't just do something along the lines of your current job, be daring, do something completely different.

If you work in a cubicle, get into outside sales or something that might get more direct, customer interaction.  See the May 2019 DMK article, If Your Cubicle Feels Like a Cell, It's Time To Make A Change, for career change ideas.

Consequently, if you're tired of working directly with customers, perhaps look for something that may develop your analytical skills.  Regardless if you have been trained in one field or another, doing the same thing too long may limit your career growth and personal development.  It also makes for a very long, boring day!

Step Two

Take a look at the high demand jobs on job seeker sites like Indeed.  See the November 2019 DMK article, Top Job Sites.  Research the average pay based on education and experience for the positions that interest you.  Avoid career fields where there are limited opportunities in your area and/or offer wages below your desired income level. 

Determine what you would need to get hired based on what current employers are seeking in qualified candidates.  Then begin with local education programs for working adults and scholarships, grants or loans as they would apply to your current need and circumstances. 

Calculate how much education and/or training you would be able to fit into your schedule based on these programs.  Unless you feel it would affect your current employment, if your current employer has similar jobs inline with your career interest, you may want to tell your HR coordinator you are interested in advancement and ask if you can shadow someone in the position of interest for a day to determine if it is right for you. 

Sometimes educators have arrangements with large organizations to allow students to shadow employees in certain professions also, but this is less common and usually reserved for current students considering an internship or in the final year before graduating. 

Also, if you still aren't sure if the profession is right for you, you could start with a single class instead of a full course load for the first semester. 

Step Three

If you're not supercharged with your current career, but the pay and workload make it worth sticking around, then you may just need a "side hustle".  Formerly referred to as "moonlighting", this is a way to make extra money with your own business or part-time job while keeping your current job, in addition to a few extra bucks it can provide along with a great deal of personal satisfaction. 

Think about the things you enjoy, read about, like to attend, consume or make.  Then think of a need or something that's in-demand. 

Some examples: beer enthusiasts might like to do their own home brew business, gardeners might grow and sell herbs at a local farmers market.  Another option is to do something that is similar to what you do for a living.  Work as a consultant in your area-of-expertise (e.g. Accountants might do bookkeeping or offer tax preparation services during tax season).   Just make sure it doesn't violate a "no-compete clause" with your employer. 

Now, get out there and get your career going by doing something you love!


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