The person I married is not the person I am divorcing
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- DMK Editorial
- Separation
- Hits: 1374
While neither you nor your spouse are the same person you were when you married, your spouse's personality changes and lifestyle choices during your divorce may still overwhelm you.
What would your divorce look like?
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- DMK Editorial
- Divorcing
- Hits: 2256
Sometimes we fail to recognize our actions and behavior because we don't have a physical representation, like a face, that symbolizes how we manage important events in our lifetime.
Weekly Reflection June 13, 2019
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- DMK Editorial
- Weekly Reflection
- Hits: 1325
What makes you different; makes you, YOU.
"Two roads diverged in a wood and I, I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference." Robert Frost (1874-1963)
This was taken from the popular poem by Robert Frost, "The Road Not Taken", 1920. It's popularity most likely resonates with many of us, it's theme that we must follow our own path in life regardless of what others say, think or do. Sadly, while we advocate such a freedom to revel in our own interests, skills and passions, we still fail to truly emancipate ourselves from following what is common to our society. We not only fail ourselves when we follow the lead of others for whom we do not truly believe, but we fail those whom we love when we fear change and choices that may seem different or wrong to those who look for conformity as a means of control and self validation.
Who's right & who's wrong?
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- DMK Editorial
- Divorcing
- Hits: 1627
It's natural to be emotional during a divorce. Each spouse may experience feelings of anger, hurt and resentment. It could cause either spouse to act and react in such a way that may not be normal for either of you.
Who is Divorce Me Knot?
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- Hits: 1064
It's not easy to develop a start-up about breakups. But, it didn't take long for our little blog to blossom into America's leading resource for those affected by divorce and/or marital strife. Why? Because, we recognized the need to provide more than just information about these issues, but information relevant to those who are affected by these issues.