LEGAL Know-It-All “You can't provide your financial information because your spouse handled all the finances. Now you don’t have what the Court needs to determine the equitable distribution of debts and assets. Ok. No problem, we'll just guess.”, said no judge, ever.
9 out of 10 Americans will marry at least 1 time in their life. Half of them will divorce and 70% of that half will remarry. Those 70% will have a 60% chance of a second divorce. Sounds awful, but here is the skinny on these facts. About 4 or 5 of those 10 people will have one marriage that lasts their lifetime. Nearly 3 of those 10 people will divorce once and have a successful second marriage. Approximately 1 of those 10 people will marry and divorce 2 times and have a very low chance of a successful third marriage. Finally, 1 person will never marry.
How many people of those 10 Americans will have a lasting first or second marriage that will not end in divorce? Round up to the nearest whole number. Find the answer on our DMK Divorce Planning Page.