DMK Solutions   The greatest power of a successful problem solver is to know the difference between the problems you have control to solve and those you don't.  

We all fall victim to the inexplicable, brute force of negative events and bad luck.  Hardship, setbacks and loss are among the top life changing events for many. 

Now's the time to spring forward, no hold-backs.  Let go of all that harms you from your divorce as well as the problems acquired during the weeks, months or years after.

Everyone goes through a breakup differently.  Depending on your circumstances, personality, peer support and desire to split, the experience can be anywhere from inconvenient to heart wrenching.

I guess it was a mid-life crisis.  It happened in my mid 40's and evoked a crisis that was compelling if not catastrophic.  But was it really a midlife crisis or a righting of my life?   Explore with me...

What happens when the spouse who was more serious, focused or successful becomes the one who struggles following divorce?